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Friday, November 27, 2015

Notes on Indian Politics: Citizenship


Like any other modern state, India has two kinds of people—citizens and aliens.

Citizens are full members of the Indian State and owe allegiance to it. They enjoy all civil and political rights.

Aliens are the citizens of some other state and hence, do not enjoy all the civil and political rights. 

Geography Quiz

1. Celestial bodies are
(a) Sun 
(b) Moon
(c) Stars 
(d) All the above

Thursday, November 26, 2015

General English Study Notes

01. Amphitheater — An open, circular or oval building with a central space for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators - वृताकार स्थान जिसमें कलाकारों के अभिनय का मंच रहता है

02. Antibody — A blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen- रोग प्रतिकारक